Just a quick blog note to clarify a couple of things around not turning up to appointments and cancelling at short notice.
We understand that there can be occasions when you miss an appointment with us or cancel a booking at short notice however, as is often the way, there are a minority that do this regularly.
If you miss an appointment with is without letting us know we will automatically mark you as inactive on our books and ask you to find an alternative NHS dentist to visit.
If you repeatedly cancel an appointment at short notice (within 3 working days – Bank Holidays and weekends don’t count) then we will ask you to find an alternative NHS dentist to visit.
The reason for this is that there is high demand for NHS dentistry in this area and each missed appointment is time we could have spent reducing our waiting lists and seeing more patients. The same applies to late cancellations, there often isn’t enough time to fill the gaps left by the late cancellation.
If you come to see us privately we may well ask you pay up in advance for all your appointments and apply a charge for the missed appointment if you dont attend or cancel at short notice.